Welcome to Lighting for Every Day!

We are so excited you are here with us.  Our mission is to help you live a healthier, happier, more comfortable, more productive life and improve your business through the power of good lighting.

The beginning is always scary and exciting with the endless potential of the unknown ahead. We hope it is an amazing journey for all of us and look forward to your participation along the way. Please let us know in the comments what you would most like to hear about from us. These are the plans in the works:

Newsletter & Blog

This newsletter will bring you a weekly insight and an actionable step which will help you do just that.  We will explore a wide array of topics from lighting to reduce eyestrain, lighting for better sleep, lighting for professional looking web conferencing, lighting for different moods and tasks…the possibilities are endless. The blog will go into the nitty gritty of the same topic.

The first topic we are going to explore is the most frequent question I am asked and the foundation of all we are going to explore: How do you pick the right lightbulb? Stay tuned for more…

One on Ones

We work with clients one on one to solve a lighting issue for you such as Lighting for Zoom & Video Conferencing or changing the lighting in your bedroom for better sleep.

Workshops & Webinars

One of the things we are most excited about is doing small group workshops about a topic. Our first few will be about Lighting for Zoom. We will announce upcoming workshops on this blog and in our newsletter. Stay tuned for more…

I hope you enjoy the journey and learn a lot with us. So excited that you are here!


Kathrine R Mitchell

Lighting Designer & Founder of Lighting for Every Day

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